Quilt Pink quilts
Mill Girl Quilts was a participant in the nationwide Quilt Pink campaign in 2006 to fight breast cancer, making quilts whose sale at auction benefited the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. This is a worthy effort, as I'm sure you all know people whose lives have been touched by this disease. Debbie and Cricket's mother was a breast cancer survivor, as is Debbie, and we are thankful that previous research helped her to choose her treatment to beat this disease.
Thank you all for your generous donations of blocks, time, and service! Over 250 blocks came in over the course of the summer and on quilt pink day a number of people helped lay them out and started putting them together. Thank you once again block makers, lay out groups, piecers and quilters!
These quilts link to a slide show of larger images. The slide show images each link to a high resolution image.